The throat chakra is the fifth of seven chakras. It is located at the base of the throat and represents communication and learning to use our authentic voice. Our sense of self-worth, confidence and connection are connected to the throat chakra and it is through this chakra that we externalize our sense of self by expressing our thoughts, feelings, and dreams. When our throat chakra is clear we are more comfortable to speak our truth, leading to more honest relationships.
When our throat chakra is blocked, we may feel like our thoughts and ideas aren’t important or that we’re too timid to share them. We may avoid conflict at the cost of honesty and have trouble setting boundaries with people who want to use us. On the other extreme, a blocked throat chakra causes some to lie or to blurt hurtful things out without thinking. With its placement on the larynx, a throat chakra in need of clearing can present as physical problems in the throat and neck such as sore throat, dental issues, or stiffness of the neck.
As we work to clear the throat chakra, we learn how to freely express ourselves and find our own sense of power. Throat chakra stones are used to help us release our inner voice.
Throat Chakra Stones: 11 Crystals and Their Healing Benefits
The throat chakra is associated with the color blue so many throat chakra stones come in shades of blue; they are known to increase courage, compassion, and trust. These crystals encourage the flow of energy between our hearts and minds. When our throat chakras are clear, we are better able to communicate and express ourselves, which leads to increased confidence and self-worth. Here are 11 throat chakra crystals to help clear any blockages:
1. Amazonite. Connect with your inner warrior woman with this gorgeous blue and green stone. If you need to learn to put yourself first and trust your own power and strength, Amazonite is the stone for you. This crystal brings knowledge and positivity, pushing aside fear and self-doubt that can keep us from our truth.
2. Blue Quartz. Blue Quartz is a throat chakra stone known for its calming abilities. It works to support self-expression, creativity, and communication. If you need more hope in your life to lift you out of a dark place, this stone will help bring you up out of the depths as it protects you from negativity.
3. Sodalite. A rich blue color with gray specs, Sodalite has a harmonizing yet active energy that encourages creativity. It calls in the wisdom we need to help us put meaning and melody behind our words.
4. Blue Goldstone. Blue Goldstone is a manmade stone that is full of healing energy. It is great for encouraging communication and is useful to improve self-love and courage. If you need a boost of confidence to set you off on a new path, bring Blue Goldstone into your life.
5. Lapis Lazuli. Lapis Lazuli is deep blue with flecks of gold; inspiring magnificent self-awareness. This is a stone of truth that has helped seers and sages speak eloquently for centuries. Writers and public speakers can turn to Lapis Lazuli to break writer’s block and help with clear expression.
6. Aquamarine. Aquamarine is like a sultry, glittering turquoise ocean that beckons you to dive to its depths. This gemstone acts as a metaphor for diving deeper into your soul; easing your fears as you search for truth and clarity so you can stay connected to your true voice.
7. Blue Lace Agate. Blue Lace Agate’s easy energy provides a blanket of positivity and higher purpose. This gemstone’s sweet and gentle nature helps us in a few ways when we need to have difficult conversations with loved ones: 1. Using our words carefully, 2. Ensuring that we don’t lose our sense of self, and 3. Diminishing hurt and anger.
8. Kyanite. With its icy blue coloring, Kyanite supports our throat chakra by helping us connect with and speak from our authentic inner selves. Kyanite can help us see into our depths and speak more clearly; tapping into any psychic abilities we may possess. This crystal is very healing for the throat chakra, filling the energy gaps in the throat.
9. Blue Apatite. Blue Apatite takes negative energy and turns it into positive as it supports our journey to owning our own truth. This beautiful crystal can help you stay strong in your own power so you can communicate the truth with openness.
10. Chrysocolla. Chrysocolla has a soothing, calming energy that works to harmonize your chakras. If you’re suffering from anxiety or depression or want support in finding joy in saying no, this is the gemstone for you. Chrysocolla helps us let go of fear-based thinking that can hold us back.
11. Angelite. Angelite is a shade of heavenly blue, reminding us of truth and higher thinking. This sweet gemstone unblocks the pathways between the throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra in order to help us get to the next level. With the chakras cleared, there is room for love, light, and balance.
How to Use Chakra Stones to Heal The Throat Chakra
When our throat chakra is blocked, we may have trouble with creativity and communication. Choose a throat chakra stone (or a few) that speak to you and use them in one or more of the following ways to unblock your throat chakra:
· Place a stone over your throat chakra (the base of your throat) while you meditate.
· Wear a stone crystal as a necklace by wrapping a wire or cord around the stone.
· If you need a boost of confidence during a public speaking engagement, hold a throat chakra gemstone in your hand (Lapis Lazuli).
· Create a crystal grid or altar when communicating with the spirit realm.
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