Chakra stones and crystals are used around the world because of the belief that they can bring balance to the mind, body, and soul and clear energy blockages. Because chakra stones function with their vibrational energy, they sometimes require cleansing.
Why Do We Need To Cleanse Chakra Stones?
Unless you are extracting your own chakra stones from the earth, it is safe to assume that your crystal was in the hands of several other people before it was in your possession. Each person’s energy is absorbed by the stone as they handle it on its way to you. One of the reasons that we cleanse chakra stones is to clear the stone from others’ energies that may be misaligned with our own.
The other main reason that we should cleanse chakra gemstones is to restore them to their natural state by clearing the energy they have absorbed as you used them. Cleansing stones can also be important for resetting your purpose. In this article we’ll provide some options for how to cleanse chakra stones and maintain your chakra.
How to Cleanse Chakra Stones in 10 Simple Ways | Maintain Your Chakra
There are many simple options for cleansing your chakra stones; easy enough for beginners but still very effective. Here are 10 ways to cleanse your chakra stones:
1. Running water
Hard stones can be cleansed in running water. A stream is ideal but even running water from a faucet can work to release any negative energy that has become trapped in the stone. Make sure that your stone is submerged completely for one minute and then pat dry.
Here are some hard crystals that are safe to go in water: amethyst, quartz, jasper, citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye, and agate.
This strategy is not appropriate for soft or brittle stones such as selenite or kyanite.
2. Saltwater
Salt is known for its ability to absorb and many believe that it can absorb negative energy, making saltwater an ideal option for cleansing hard chakra stones. If you live near the ocean, grab a bowl or bucket and scoop up some ocean water. If that’s not an option, mix a tablespoon of sea, rock, or even table salt into a bowl of water. Submerge your stones for a few hours up to 48 hours.
3. Brown rice
Burying your stones in a bowl of brown rice is a safe and effective way to draw out negative energy from any gemstone. It is said that protective stones such as black tourmaline, obsidian, amethyst, and smoky quartz especially benefit from this method. Fill a bowl with dry brown rice, bury each stone individually beneath the grains of rice for 24 hours and then discard the rice after you’re done. Repeat the process for every stone you wish to cleanse.
4. Moonlight
Moonlight is believed to be very cleansing for chakra crystals. Place your stones out before nightfall, directly on the earth if you can. Choose a spot that gets a lot of moonlight and then bring them in again before 11 a.m. the next day. This way the stones are protected from harsh midday sunlight that can weather them. Give your crystals a quick rinse and pat them dry to complete the process.
This technique is good for most tumbled stones but should not be used for vibrant stones like amethyst or soft stones such as celestite or selenite.
5. Sage
Sage is famous for smudging rituals to cleanse a space from evil spirits but it is also useful for cleansing negative energy from chakra stones. This process takes a bit more organization because you’ll need a fire-safe bowl, a lighter or matches, and loose or bundled sage.
Preferably in an outdoor setting, light the tip of your sage with a flame and then transfer it to your nondominant hand. Hold the stone in your dominant hand and move it slowly through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds.
This process is appropriate for all chakra stones.
6. Sound
Sound healing is believed to improve the vibration of a stone by aligning it with a single pitch or tone. Practitioners use singing bowls, chanting, or tuning forks to emit a long, loud sound that can envelop the stone for five to 10 minutes. This cleansing method is good to use for any stone.
7. Visualization
Visualization is a safe way to clear any stone. Start by getting grounded and centering your energy; your feet should be firmly planted on the earth, if possible. Pick up your stone and visualize your hands being enveloped in white, glowing light. Visualize the light surrounding your stone and getting brighter as it washes away impurities. Keep going until you feel a shift in the stone’s energy; approximately one minute.
8. Larger stones
There are certain large stones that can be used to clear energy from smaller stones such as selenite slabs and amethyst geodes. Simply place any small stone on top of the bigger stone for 24 hours.
9. Smaller stones
Smaller stones such as clear quartz, carnelian, and hematite are known for their clearing effects. Place the small stones in a bowl with the stone you want to clear on top, keeping it in place for 24 hours. This option is good for any stone.
10. Breathwork
Breath can be used to help clear your stones and attune them to their highest vibration. Hold the stone you wish to clear in your dominant hand and focus your intention on clearing the stone of negative energies. Next, take a deep breath in through your nostrils, bring the stone closer to your face and exhale short, strong breaths through your nose and onto the stone for about 30 seconds. This method can be used for all small stones.
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