Ideally, we want to have open, balanced chakras. When our chakras are functioning as they should, our flow of energy is aligned and it’s easier to manage negative thoughts and feelings. Some believe that physical ailments are also less likely to manifest.
When one of our seven chakras* is blocking the natural flow of energy through our body, more energy ends up being directed to other, functional chakras in the body. This can create hyperactive chakras while others shut down. Both hyperactive and blocked chakras can cause problems for our mental and physical well-being. The best way to clear blocked chakras and bring them into harmony is to perform chakra meditation. In this article we will go over the basics of chakra meditation for beginners.
*The seven chakras are:
1. Root chakra – keeps us grounded. Color is red.
2. Sacral chakra – governs how we experience sexuality, creative expression. Color is orange.
3. Solar plexus chakra – helps us with our confidence and self-esteem. Color is yellow.
4. Heart chakra – serves as our center of love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness for ourselves and others. Color is green.
5. Throat chakra – governs communication and self-expression. Color is blue.
6. Third eye chakra – connects us to our insight and intuition. Color is purple.
7. Crown chakra – controls our connection to our sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge. Color is violet/white.
How Do I Know If One of My Chakras Is Blocked or Imbalanced?
The best way to know if one or more of your chakras is blocked or imbalanced is to get familiar with what each of the seven chakras manages (see list above) and look for signs that you are out of balance in those areas. For example, if you have lost confidence in your ability to pursue your dreams, you may be dealing with a blocked solar plexus chakra. On the other hand, if you are suddenly so over confident that you are making impulsive, irrational decisions, you may have a hyperactive solar plexus chakra. When you get good at chakra meditation, you can focus on any chakras that seem out of whack.
What Is Chakra Meditation?
Chakra meditation is a specific type of meditation that aims to either clear energy blockages or stop chakras from spinning too fast. When you know how to do proper chakra meditation, you can cleanse and balance your chakras for the purpose of getting back to a healthy mental and emotional state.
Chakra Meditation for Beginners | Get Started Today!
So, how do you meditate to open your chakras? The first thing to understand is that your seven chakras are connected to each other. If one of your chakras is out of balance, you can work on it but with the understanding that there is only so much you can accomplish by focusing on a single chakra. Chakra meditation is best done by meditating all seven chakras to bring the entire system into balance but with time and practice you will learn the art of healing individual imbalances by directing your meditation focus to that particular chakra. In order to pull off a successful meditation session, you will want to spend some time getting familiar with the chakra order, where the seven chakras are placed on the body, each chakra’s color, and what each chakra represents and governs. Once this work is done, you are ready to meditate!
To get started, you will need to find a peaceful place to meditate. This should be somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed for at least half an hour. Make sure to turn your Wi-Fi signals off as well.
Next, get into a comfortable, seated position on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. If this is too hard on your body, you can sit on a cushion. Sit up straight but not so straight that your spine feels stressed. Place your hands limply on your knees.
Breathe deeply and evenly while you visualize each chakra, one at a time. You will want to do this in order, starting with the root chakra and ending with the crown. Picture the energy flowing into and through that chakra in the color associated with that chakra (see list above).
Spend several minutes with each chakra, focusing on it until you can see vibrant energy passing through it. When you finally get to the crown chakra, you should be able to visualize the flow of positive energy moving through your body.
Some beginners prefer to use guided meditation tools for chakra meditation. This is a great option for those feeling unsure if they have memorized the color association and order of each chakra. Look for videos or audio tracks with mantras that can help you through the medication process.
After a few meditation sessions, you will be feeling more confident in your abilities to get the energy flowing through your seven chakras. You should also become more in tune with specific chakras that may be feeling out of balance. Once you get to this place, you can start focusing your meditation on specific chakras that need support. You may find that your focus naturally drifts to one particular chakra when you sit down to meditate; go with this feeling. As you move into more advanced methods, you may benefit from learning some specific positions, mantras, and breathing exercises that can help you concentrate on a specific chakra.
We hope you find this basic introduction to chakra meditation helpful. We encourage you to try your first meditation session; you should have everything you need to get started.
What Is An Aura?
According to metaphysical thought, an aura is a kind of human energy field surrounding our bodies. It is believed that there are seven layers to our aura that correspond to each of the seven chakras.
The color makeup of an aura is a metaphysical and energetic reflection of our spiritual health. It is believed that auras consist of a distribution of different colors and light, appearing like a glowing energy field of color to those who can see them.
Many people are fascinated by auras because of their ability to tell us about our current emotional and spiritual state but have no ability to see them themselves.Are you curious about energy reading? The AuraCloud 3D Basic is a great starting point if you want to buy an aura camera for your wellness business.