A spiritual awakening doesn’t happen in one AHA moment, though that may be a part of the process. There are actually several spiritual awakening stages that people go through on their path to spiritual enlightenment. None is more important than the other and it’s helpful to accept that some parts of the journey may be dark or even emotionally painful. We have to be ready to face the uncomfortable truths about ourselves in order to process them and get to a better place.
What is a spiritual awakening?
A spiritual awakening is a subjective experience where a person stops filtering the world through their ego and focusing on the past and future. In its place, the person gains a greater sense of their true inner self and their connection to the world around them; they become present in the here and now.
For centuries people in different cultures and religions have believed that it is possible for humans to have an “awakening” that leads a person to inner bliss or enlightenment with a renewed sense of connection to the world. A spiritual awakening is a realization of the ways that we have been limiting ourselves. You may have been focused on your ego; working tirelessly to get promotions or accumulate material things. Maybe you were too absorbed in your own issues; unable to really connect with the world around you. For some, moral ambiguity may be a problem. The spiritual awakening comes along and shakes you out of your limiting beliefs; allowing you to connect with your true self and become the best version of yourself.
5 Spiritual Awakening Stages Explained
Stage 1: A period of darkness
Before a spiritual awakening happens, it is very common to experience a period of darkness. This manifests in different ways for different people. In some cases, it is caused by a life altering event such as the death of a loved one while others may experience it during a mid-life crisis or for no apparent reason at all. During this period of darkness, people may feel:
· Like a weight or dark cloud is hanging overhead
· Like they are having an existential crisis
· Like they want to speak to a psychologist
· Like their life has no meaning or they feel empty inside
· Like the things that used to bring them joy no longer do
· Like they no longer relate to their friends
· Like they no longer want the life they used to want
This dark period may last from weeks to years; it’s different for everyone.
Stage 2: A light at the end of the tunnel
One day, after plodding through the dark heaviness, you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It may feel very far away but you can see it. This light represents hope for better days ahead. In practical terms, the light may appear in many different ways:
· Someone comes into your life that shares a book, article, or insight that will eventually lead you through a spiritual awakening
· You discover meditation, Qigong, or some other type of grounding activity with healing benefits
· You work up the strength to rid yourself of toxic people or situations
Stage 3: Seeking knowledge
Now that you have seen that little ray of light, you are ready to reach for it by seeking knowledge about spirituality. You will become a spiritual seeker, looking for books and articles on the purpose of life, how to give life meaning, our connection to the earth, soul cleansing, or other spiritual topics. Maybe you seek the guidance of a spiritual healer or sign up for yoga or a meditation retreat. Whatever form of spirituality is calling to you, don’t be afraid to dive in and learn more.
Stage 4: Doubt and denial
As you learn about spirituality and its many facets, it is common to go through a stage of doubt and denial. Those who are resistant to change may struggle a lot during this phase. Some may ask questions such as: how can I know that any of this is real? Or am I really connecting to my spiritual self? Others may feel discomfort as they feel themselves drawn away from the religion they were raised in. If you are needing some more proof to strengthen your faith, check out these spiritual books with scientific backing. No matter the reasons for your doubt or denial, know that it’s normal to feel a little lost and it’s okay to question things along your journey.
Stage 5: Breakthrough
At last, you have your spiritual breakthrough and have awoken to your true identity. You have pushed through the darkness, seen a light of hope, sought spiritual knowledge, and worked through your doubts. You see the world through fresh eyes and understand your infinite connection to the earth. You feel rejuvenated and at peace; ready to embrace and continue learning about your spirituality.
Going on a journey to spiritual awakening is one of the greatest adventures one can take. The path isn’t always easy or straightforward but the payoff can be enormous. A spiritual awakening has the potential to unlock your life’s purpose and destiny; bringing inner peace and contentment but also love and light to those you encounter.
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