If you’re looking to make a big, positive change in your life, you may be wondering how to make it happen. Sometimes all it takes is to get really quiet with ourselves so we can focus on listening to what our soul really needs. In today’s hectic world, it can be difficult to step off the treadmill (so to speak) and clear our minds so we can listen to what our body is trying to tell us. One of the best ways to quiet the noise is to take up spiritual meditation using guided meditation for spiritual awakening.
Spiritual meditation is a body and soul experience that helps us connect with our authentic self, helping us to shed all the messages we have been telling ourselves over the course of our lives. The experience can bring a sense of peace and joy as a feeling of warmth and light washes over us. This newfound happiness can make it easier to let go of past grievances and think beyond the chaos of everyday life. Let’s learn how to do guided spiritual meditation.
A Guided Meditation for Spiritual Awakening
Many people believe that spiritual meditation comes with benefits, including:
· Helping us reach a higher consciousness
· The release of negative thoughts and emotions
· Unwinding from a stressful day
· Letting go of past anger
· A feeling of inner peace
· Getting connected to your true self
There are plenty of ways to get started. Many turn to spiritual meditation videos to learn a spiritual meditation technique that works for them. Let’s take a look at a guided meditation technique for spiritual awakening:
1. Find a quiet place to sit
The very first step in meditation for spiritual awakening is to find the right spot to sit. The area should be free of the noises of the city and ideally, close to nature. If you cannot be directly in nature, try to find a spot near plants and open your window so you can hear the birds chirping.
2. Choose a comfortable position
Next, you will want to choose a meditation position. The position should be comfortable but not so comfortable that you could easily drift off to sleep while meditating. You don’t need to know any fancy poses. In fact, one of the best positions for meditating is to sit in a chair with a straight back and your feet flat on the floor or the earth. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle with the ground. Some people may need to scoot to the edge of the chair. Make sure your head and neck are in line with your spine.
3. Ask for divine assistance
Now that you have chosen the right place and gotten into a good position, it’s time to ask for divine assistance to help you keep your mind clear and to experience healing and spiritual connection from your meditation session. Reach out to God, the universe, a specific angel, or any other divine being that you feel a connection with. Likewise, you do not need to say anything specific. Your request or prayer should come from the heart.
4. Be present during the process
Don’t think of meditation as a task to complete on your checklist. We don’t recommend that you plan out how you will get through your session or what you will accomplish. When it comes to meditation, it’s important to understand that there isn’t one right way to do it or a specific outcome to expect. Be open to the idea that your meditation process will proceed in an organic way. Allow any feelings you experience to wash over you and through you and be present in the moment.
5. Control the urge to react to intrusive thoughts
We live in a world that’s full of stress because of everything we need to accomplish in a day. It’s only natural that we have intrusive thoughts throughout the day from the minute we wake up to the time we are trying to fall asleep. Intrusive thoughts are one of the biggest – and most common – distractions to meditation. It’s what you do with them that matters. Accept that the thoughts will come but control the urge to react to them. Let them float away as on a breeze by breathing in and out in a smooth and deliberate manner.
6. Settle into your meditation
Tune into your body; how does each area of your body feel while you are meditating? Are you tingly or numb anywhere? Do your aches and pains feel better? Does your body feel lighter? Feel your breath and pay attention to how your chest rises and falls with each breath. Enjoy the sense of calm and peace that you feel during your session and express a wish that you will carry this feeling with you as you go about your day. As you come to the end of your meditation session, think about the feelings you experienced and accept any reactions that you weren’t expecting as a natural part of the process.
When you have finished your meditation, you may wish to thank the divine or universe for your experience and then do some stretching. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water the rest of the day.
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