Chakras are energy points on our bodies. The concept of the chakra comes from the early traditions of Hinduism; the great sages believed that these energy points affect our physical, metaphysical, and practical well-being. When they are clear and in alignment we are at our best, but when they are blocked or mis-aligned they can create problems. What is chakra healing? Chakra healing is various techniques and methods used to clear energy blockages.
There are more than 100 chakras on the human body but there are seven chakras that are universally accepted as the most important:
1. The root chakra
2. The sacral chakra
3. The solar plexus chakra
4. The heart chakra
5. The throat chakra
6. The third eye chakra
7. The crown chakra
Chakra healing techniques are used to balance the seven chakras and promote wellness.
What is Chakra Healing | The Ultimate Guide to Chakra Healing
Individuals can learn to balance chakras on their own, even on a daily basis. All of these practices can be used to help clear and align the seven chakras.
1. Chakra meditation
Find a quiet place to meditate. Preferably sit comfortably on the ground or with your feet planted on the ground. Keep your spine straight. Place relevant chakra stones nearby, hold them in your hands, or lay them on the chakra. Focus on the emotion and chakra that you would like to clear. Say a silent “prayer” to thank the universe for how this meditation will help you. Then, take a big breath in and exhale out. Breathe deeply and evenly while you recite your mantra. You may wish to use a guided chakra meditation video.
2. Affirmations
Affirmations are a powerful tool used for chakra healing. An affirmation is a positive statement that is used to help us heal and move forward in a positive way. We can use affirmations to help support each of the seven chakras. For example, the sacral chakra is believed to determine how we experience sexuality, creative expression, and emotions. An affirmation to support the sacral chakra may look like: “I own my sexuality and will give myself grace to process these difficult emotions.”
3. Color vibration
Each color has its own frequency vibration and corresponds to a particular chakra in the body. When you choose and use a color that corresponds to the chakra you want to heal – in your home, your clothing, or the art you create – you will harness its frequency vibration, which can help improve your physical state and mood; it may even help us realize the reality we are seeking.
4. Focused massage
There are various types of massage that can be used to help clear the chakras. One method is Reiki massage that can be sought from a licensed practitioner. There are other types of massage that can be used as well that use the parts of the body that are connected to various chakras. For example, the root chakra is all about grounded energy in the bottom part of our body. Massaging, drawing energy from, or running chakra stones along the feet, legs, and gluteal muscles can be helpful for clearing the root chakra.
5. Professional energy healers
There are a range of energy healers that offer chakra healing services. Each healer will have their own process, but generally, they will assess your emotional and physical needs and offer a treatment plan to help you achieve chakra healing. Some examples of professional energy healers are pranic healers, reiki massage therapists, aura cleansing specialists, Qigong teachers, crystal healers, and quantum healers.
6. Music or sound therapy
Music and sound can be used to cleanse and stimulate the seven chakras. Every chakra responds to different chakra sound healing frequencies. Look for chakra music that reflects the structure of the chakra system or music with a specific note that corresponds with each chakra. Two popular options are Isochronic Chakra Suite and Tibetan singing bowls with Solfeggio frequencies.
7. Chakra stones
For centuries, people have been using chakra stones in an effort to improve their spiritual, emotional, and physical health and well-being. There are several chakra stones associated with each chakra and these specific stones are used in a variety of ways to help unblock and balance that chakra, leading to better overall well-being. Note: there are some chakra stones that can be used to heal more than one chakra, such as clear quartz and amethyst.
8. Yoga
Yoga is a spiritual discipline rooted in an ancient Hindu philosophy. It is practiced by millions of people around the world because of its known ability to release blocked energy in order to let in new, healing energy. There are many ways to practice yoga, including free online videos and joining a yoga studio. There are specific exercises that can be learned to help keep each chakra open as well as develop that particular energy center.
9. Essential oils
Essential oils are popular for a variety of healing purposes and they are also used for chakra healing, especially when combined with massage techniques. There are essential oils that support each chakra individually and lavender is considered the universal essential oil for nourishing all the chakras. As a specific example, the throat chakra responds well to sage, lemongrass, and blue chamomile.
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