This article is written according to people’s belief in metaphysics.
The energy body, also referred to as the subtle body, is the system that constantly carries the life force energy around and through us, and it connects us to our higher selves, the Divine as well as each other. Getting a deeper understanding of this system is vital for spiritual and emotional health. This energy body isn’t visible to everyone, however, we always react to it and feel it constantly regardless of whether we are aware of it or not.
This system has several components that work in tandem, just like the rest of our body systems do. Auras and chakras are the two main components of this energy body as they contend. Below we take a closer look at what auras and chakras are and how they differ from each other.
Auras are electrical energy fields that extend out from your body almost like a bubble. They are made up of multiple energy layers that emanate from your chakras. When aura readers view them, the colors are visible based on the vibrations emanating from them. Auras aren’t stagnant; they are in a constant state of change in relation to your emotional and physical states. They serve two crucial purposes:
- Information exchange
Auras are like interactive fields of information and we use them to exchange information with the people we meet. They are somewhat like virtual business cards that share aspects such as your intentions, your overall health, sense of self and mood with the people you interact with.
You also receive this same information from the people you connect with during the course of the day. While most people don’t realize this happens, you may recall some instances where you were very sure that you knew or sensed something about a person you came in contact with. Sometimes you encounter people that you dislike or are wary of from the minute you meet them, while you may be drawn to others and feel that you have a very strong connection with them.
This aura energy field is a constant source of information and tells you more about the world all around you. You react to this and also adjust your behavior on the basis of the feelings you get from your aura every single day. When you learn to read your aura and trust what it’s telling you, it can help you on the path to success in your personal and professional life and more.
- Protection
Auras are the barriers of energy between your own self and the world around you. When your aura is healthy, it gives you a sense of great security and keeps you protected from the auras of people around you. You will also have very clear boundaries and will be able to easily distinguish between your desires and needs as well as those around you.
If your aura is unhealthy, you may end up feeling a lack of confidence; you’ll have a feeling of concern as the energies of people around you are all bearing down on you. Your boundaries with other people will be very weak and you will also end up taking on the problems of other people. Having a strong aura gives you an inexplicable feeling of being protected and safe; you will be more eager to seek the things you need and want and take on risks you feel are worth taking.
The energy centers in the body are referred to as chakras. They correspond to various areas of spiritual, emotional and physical energetic functions. The body has seven primary chakras and there are also smaller chakras at various points in the body, as well as below and above the body. All these chakras are connected internally via energy channels that are spread across our body.
The energy comes from the connection you have to the earth’s energy below you as well as the Divine energy above you. The body has a constant cycle of energy breath and new energy is constantly introduced even as the old energy is being expelled from it. The seven main chakras in the human body are:
- Root Chakra– It’s at the base of your spine, and is generally viewed as being of a red color. This chakra is your own energy connection to Mother Earth.
- Sacral Chakra– This is located right below your belly button and is typically a shade of orange. It’s the center of emotional-energetic expression, core beliefs, and creativity in your life.
- Solar Plexus Chakra– This chakra is situated at the base of the sternum and is generally yellow in color. It’s also your powerhouse, and completely governs the manner in which you extend your will and energy into the world.
- Heart Chakra- This lies at the very center of your chest and all your relationships and love are centered on it. It could be green, pink or a combination of these two colors.
- Throat Chakra– This chakra is your body’s center of communication. It’s generally some shade of blue and governs self-validation and active listening.
- Third Eye Chakra– This is located right at the center of your forehead and is typically purple or indigo in color. This chakra gives you intuitive insight.
- Crown Chakra– This is right at the top of your head and is either white or violet in color. It’s your connection to your higher being and is also where the divine connection is centered.
Auras and Chakras – The Difference and the Connection
- Your aura is a field of energy that is emanated from each one of your chakras. Your aura health is directly connected to your chakra’s balance.
- Your chakras and your aura have a very deep connection with one another.
- The information that your chakras emanate is projected out into the world by your aura.
- Your aura is a combination of every little bit of information coming from various chakras in your body; its colors alter your spiritual connection and emotional-energetic health.
There are numerous factors that can have an impact on your energy body’s balance as a whole. The key to maintaining this energetic health is to seek balance in your chakras and there are also numerous ways in which chakras can be balanced. Following some regular spiritual practices, taking good care of yourself emotionally and physically, seeking emotional support, and eating grounding foods all help maintain this balance as they believe.