If you use crystals for chakra healing on a regular basis, it’s important to charge them periodically. There are many different methods that can be used to charge chakra gemstones, depending on preference and the type of stone you wish to charge.
The reason we need to charge chakra stones is that they hold onto energy that they are exposed to, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Once a gemstone has absorbed negative energy, it loses its ability to help you clear your energy blockages and bring in positive energy. Thankfully, your chakra stones can be cleared or charged to give them a fresh start so they can keep supporting your wellness. Read on to learn how to charge chakra stones so they stay energized.
How to Charge Chakra Stones | Stay Energized
Grounding energy from the moon, earth, or water is often used to charge chakra stones. With so many options for charging chakra stones, how do you know which one to use? There is no charging method that’s superior to another; once you’ve checked to see that a particular process is safe for your stone, it’s best to follow your gut for choosing an option.
1. Place your stones under the light of the full moon
The full moon is believed to be a powerful method for both clearing and charging your chakra stones. Check your calendar for the next full moon and place your stones directly on the ground or even on a windowsill, in a spot that will get full moonlight. Make sure to bring them back in before 11 a.m.
This technique is good for most tumbled stones but should not be used for vibrant stones like amethyst or soft stones such as celestite or selenite.
2. Soak your stones in moon water
Make your own moon water in a bowl and then submerge your stones for an hour. Alternatively, the moon water can be poured over your crystals. Click here to learn how to make moon water.
This method is good for hard gemstones like amethyst, quartz, jasper, citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye, and agate. Soft or brittle crystals such as selenite or kyanite should not be submerged in water.
3. Bury your crystals in the ground
There is nothing more grounding than the earth itself. Burying your crystals in the ground is a popular way to charge them with the powerful properties of the earth. Simply dig a small hole in the ground and place the loose soil into an earthenware pot or jar. Bury your crystal in the soil inside the pot or jar and then lower the pot into the hole. Cover it with the remaining soil. Mark your spot with some kind of marker and leave the gemstone buried for at least one week. This method is especially beneficial for stones associated with the earth, such as malachite.
While this method is safe for most stones, it’s important to check for air quality and weather reports before burying your crystals. Avoid times of poor air quality and rain – you don’t want your stones to get wet while they are buried.
4. Burn incense or other herbs over your chakra stones
Preferably in an outdoor setting, light the tip of your sage, sweetgrass, Palo Santo, sandalwood, lavender, jasmine, or cedar with a flame and then transfer it to your nondominant hand. Hold the stone in your dominant hand and move it slowly through the smoke for two to three minutes until you feel the energy of the stones shifting.
This process is appropriate for all chakra stones.
5. Cover your stones in sea salt
Salt absorbs negative energy and can help charge your hard crystals. Pour some sea salt into a bowl and cover your stone in the salt. Let it sit overnight. Do not use this method for soft stone like opal or calcite, as the salt could scratch them.
6. Bathe your crystals in sound
Sound is believed to shift frequencies. Singing bowls and tuning forks can be used to emit a long, loud sound that can envelop the stone, ideally for five to 10 minutes. This cleansing method is good to use for any stone.
7. Use visualization
For more advanced practitioners, visualization can be a powerful way to charge all gemstones. Center your own energy and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Pick up your stone and visualize your hands being enveloped in glowing, healing light. Visualize the light surrounding your stone and getting brighter as it washes away impurities. When you feel a shift in the stone’s energy, your work is done. This process should take approximately one minute per stone.
8. Connect your crystals to your spirit guides
Spirit guides can have a powerful, grounding influence on spirituality. If you work with any spiritual guides, you can charge your crystals by connecting them with your guides. Through prayer or meditation, ask your spirit guides to connect with your chakra stones and set your intention.
9. Charge your chakra stones with breathwork
Breathwork is a safe and effective way to charge your chakra stones. Hold the stone you want to charge in your dominant hand and focus your intention on clearing the stone of negative energies. Hold the stone up to your face and breathe out forcefully through your nose while waving your other hand over the crystal. Do this for about 30 seconds.
How Often Should You Charge Your Chakra Stones?
Apart from cleansing and charging your crystals when you first get them, how often you should charge your gemstones really depends on how often you use them and what type of negative energy they have been exposed to. It won’t hurt your stones to give them a charge after you have used them several times.
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