If you’ve been feeling empty and unmotivated or you’ve started questioning your life path, you may be in the right place for a spiritual awakening. But how to have a spiritual awakening? There is no one right answer. A spiritual awakening doesn’t look the same for everyone; for some, it comes on slowly and for others it’s a sudden AHA moment. An awakening can also be triggered by a range of things from a terrible life event to a change in circumstances to a simple desire to find a greater meaning or purpose in life.
A spiritual awakening is enlightening and it can be a beautiful experience but it can also be a frustrating and difficult process. Ironically, a spiritual awakening can initially make us feel disconnected from our friends and loved ones as we see the world through a whole new light.
Only by pushing through the darkness can we get to the personal growth and development that so often accompany a spiritual awakening. Eventually, the world looks brighter, we gain a sense of inner peace, and we feel like our authentic true self. Other signs of a spiritual awakening are:
· You start to notice messages from the universe like stumbling onto spiritual articles or books
· You meet people who encourage you on your spiritual journey
· You find yourself reflecting on your life
· Your priorities change as you reject a life ruled by ambition and materialism
· You start making changes that will improve your life such as quitting smoking, breaking up with a toxic person, or making a career change
· You develop more empathy for others
· You have a strong desire to give back
· You feel a greater connection to the earth and your community
· Your intuition grows stronger
· Your views on certain issues broaden
· You stop comparing yourself to others
There are many signs that you may be experiencing a spiritual awakening, these are some common examples. Look out for your own unique signs as you walk through your spiritual journey. Let’s take a look at how a spiritual awakening happens in this helpful guide.
How to Have a Spiritual Awakening? 6 Ways to Guide Yourself
The following is a guide with six easy ways to have a spiritual awakening.
1. Clear out the clutter – in your space and in your mind
If your physical and mental spaces are full of clutter, there won’t be any room for spiritual growth. Set aside time to sort through your cluttered closets, drawers, and countertops. Make piles to recycle, throw away, donate/give away, and sell. If you are holding onto items that you no longer need or use, you aren’t leaving room for the things you truly need. Clear out your mind by meditating, spending time in nature, or taking up an activity like yoga. Let your thoughts run through your mind like a river, washing away the debris.
2. Question your beliefs and attitudes
Think about your beliefs about religion, spirituality, social issues, etc. Are they coming from a place of love and compassion? Are your beliefs holding you back from being your authentic self? Are they stifling your creativity, making you unhappy, or causing you to send negative energy out into the world? Now is the time to question any beliefs and attitudes you hold that are not shining truth and light into your soul and the energy you are putting out into the world.
3. Seek knowledge
Expand your knowledge about spirituality, nature, and the plight of others by seeking out books, signing up for lectures or courses, and having conversations with people who have walked a different path than you. The goal is to wake yourself up to all that you have been too closed off to see. As you broaden your understanding of the world around you, you make space for a richer, more spiritual life.
4. Spend time in nature
Humans were not meant to spend all our time indoors staring at screens. As much as possible, get outside in bare feet and feel the earth beneath your toes. Smell the flowers, gaze at the moon, breathe in the ocean air, or feel the magic of a forest all around you. As you reconnect with nature, you reconnect with yourself.
5. Value self-care
Listen to what your body needs: sleep, relaxation, exercise, and nutritious food. Allow yourself time to process difficult emotions and practice being kind to yourself. Taking care of our bodies, minds, and emotional health is an important part of connecting to a higher power. When we ignore our own needs, we create a barricade to spiritual growth; preventing us from ever reaching a spiritual awakening.
6. Accept your unique path
There is no one “right way” to experience a spiritual awakening; the way your aunt Bette experienced an awakening may be totally different than how you will. On top of this, it’s possible to have more than one spiritual awakening. Using the five steps we discussed above can help you get on the path to an awakening; from there it’s important to be open to what comes next. Don’t let yourself get stuck in one idea of what a spiritual awakening looks like; trust that you are on the right path for you.
Buy An Aura Camera
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