The root chakra (or the base chakra) is the first of seven chakras. It is located at the base of the spine, just above the tailbone. Our root chakra is what keeps us grounded; it is our connection to the earth. When our root chakra is misaligned, we may feel unsafe or lacking the strength to handle our everyday lives, or just generally “off-kilter.” We can end up clinging to what we have out of fear that we won’t be able to bring more good things into our lives. We may feel powerless and apathetic; a blocked root chakra can suck away our joy. For some, a misalignment of the root chakra may cause physical health problems in the lower half of the body such as the bladder and colon. The root chakra is our base and it is an important part of our overall wellness.
Healing the root chakra can improve our ability to persevere through life’s challenges, increase our sense of emotional safety, support our physical health, and connect us to our spirituality. The healing vibrations of root chakra crystals are often used in grounding exercises and energy practices to help realign the base chakra.
Root chakra stones: 11 crystals and their healing benefits
The root chakra is associated with earth-toned colors such as browns, blacks, and rusty reds so healing chakra stones come in these shades.
1. Black Onyx. The Black Onyx gemstone is used to heal the root chakra by encouraging mental stamina, steadiness, and physical strength. As we regain our sense of wholeness, we are more able to release our inner passions and creativity and Black Onyx can help us get there.
2. Carnelian. The Carnelian crystal is used to clear the root chakra with a jolt of fiery passion. Carnelian stones represent confidence, inner glow, and courage. This stone can help provide the inspiration, strength, and endurance required to handle life’s challenges.
3. Garnet. When it comes to the root chakra, the Garnet stone is all about regenerative energy. If you have low-energy or you are looking to regain your sense of courage and strength, turn to the Garnet.
4. Hematite. For healing the base chakra, Hematite brings in a neutralizing power that helps keep us grounded and centered in the present moment. Hematite borrows energy from our aura and filters it through the root chakra until energies are brought back into balance.
5. Black Tourmaline. Black Tourmaline for root chakra is used to provide both powerful and protective energy, increasing our sense of safety. If you are feeling sad or anxious, bring in Black Tourmaline to help turn your negative energy into positive. If you have been in constant fight or flight mode due to stress or sleep deprivation, this gemstone can provide much needed support for your adrenal glands.
6. Black Obsidian. Black Obsidian is used to heal the base chakra with its raw, cool energy. It is so shiny that it is believed to act like a mirror to the truth inside your soul. This stone can help us dissolve old traumas, feel more grounded, and see right through insincerity. As you regain trust in your instincts, you feel more stable and better able to handle life.
7. Red Jasper. Red Jasper is a root chakra stone because it is highly nurturing and cleansing. With its fierce energy, this crystal is referred to as the stone of endurance. Bring it into your life for a motivational boost that can help you overcome challenges and connect to your inner passions.
8. Moss Agate. Moss Agate can help cleanse the base chakra with its earthly Gaia energy and elements of water, forest, stone, and shade. Moss Agate encourages abundance and supports the immune system as it helps you to feel safe within your body.
9. Tiger’s Eye. Many practitioners use Tiger’s Eye to support the root chakra because of its ability to remind us that we are in charge of our own destinies. Tiger’s Eye helps us improve our body language for the purpose of communicating our desires with the world. As toxic energy is cleared away, you stay grounded and ready to handle whatever the day throws at you.
10. Bloodstone. Bloodstone is used to realign the root chakra by acting as an emotional balancer. As it steadies the heart and mind, anxiety is eased and flighty feelings come back down to earth. The stone is also known to protect against evil forces.
11. Smoky Quartz. Smoky Quartz is used to connect and clear the root chakra. This gemstone can help us to let go of things that are not serving us and open our eyes to positive pathways. Its gentle energy is known to help dissolve blockages without causing emotional turbulence.
How to use chakra root crystals
If you are ready to go on a spiritual journey, or simply want to feel more confident in the challenges you are facing, work on keeping your root chakra clear.
Choose a root chakra stone (or a few) that speak to you and hold them in your hands while you meditate. As you meditate, visualize a white light flowing into your root chakra space to clear out any blockages. Other methods:
· Rub or roll a crystal sphere in your palms for thirty seconds to activate its power and then place it on your root chakra area.
· Wear a root chakra gemstone as jewelry.
· Place root chakra gems around your home.
How to Use Aura Systems Cameras
In three simple steps, you will have an aura image:
- Sit in front of the aura camera so your aura can activate the sensor.
- Rest your hand on the sensor so the aura camera can start collecting data.
- Your aura image appears on the screen!
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