The third eye chakra is the sixth of the seven chakras and is appropriately associated with the sixth sense. It sits in the center of the forehead and acts as a doorway to our inner wisdom and higher spiritual contemplation. The third eye allows us to see beyond what our other two eyes can see, aided by third eye chakra stones.
When our third eye chakra is blocked, we may suffer from physical symptoms such as headaches and eye problems. It can also translate into sleep issues and emotional distress that hold us back from living our best life.
When blockages are cleared from our third eye, we can see the bigger picture more clearly, allowing us to move past our self-limiting beliefs. As we learn to trust our decisions and honor our feelings, a sense of balance and connection is restored.
Third Eye Chakra Stones: 11 Crystals and Their Healing Benefits
The third eye chakra is associated with the color purple or indigo so many third eye chakra stones come in shades of pink and purple. These stones help us to turn our gaze inward, allowing for deeper vision and even clairvoyance. Here are 11 stones that can provide healing benefits:
1. Amethyst. Perhaps one of the most recognizable and beloved gems, Amethyst is packed with third eye chakra energy. In addition to calming frustrations and encouraging restful sleep, Amethyst helps us access spirituality in preparation for a great awakening. If you are looking to tap into psychic abilities, bring Amethyst into your life.
2. Black Obsidian. This black shiny gem has a mirror-like quality that encourages your third eye chakra to embrace truth and wisdom while clearing away toxic vibes. Black Obsidian will help your aura to shine bright as you learn to break free from negative attachments.
3. Lapis Lazuli. Truth and awareness are reflected back in this shiny blue and golden stone. With its ability to access our deepest intellect and wisdom, Lapis Lazuli is the stone to turn to when we need clear perspective, honest conversation, and problem-solving skills. It can also help us tap into visions.
4. Labradorite. When it comes to the third eye chakra, this stone of transformation supports change by locating our inner wisdom and power and by providing understanding of the bigger picture. Labradorite is known for its protective cover when you open up your psychic powers.
5. Sodalite. Immerse yourself in the depths of the ocean – metaphorically speaking – and embrace the refreshing waves as they bring back your power. If you need support moving out of a negative space and into the positive while staying connected to your inner truth and sense of logic, Sodalite is the stone you want in your corner.
6. Azurite. Azurite is well-known for its ability to help us access our psychic abilities and connect us with the universal flow of energy. This gemstone works to cleanse emotions as it unites our heart and third eye chakras. As our energy begins to flow freely between these chakras, we become more in tune with our inner wisdom and confident to speak our truth.
7. Clear Quartz. Known as the master healer, this beautiful clear crystal represents clarity and clear-headedness – perfect for clearing out old blockages that are preventing energy flow. Clear Quartz brings light and knowledge, which help us reach a higher consciousness.
8. Iolite. This sparkling pale violet or blue crystal brings balance and stability to our emotions so they don’t control us. Iolite encourages us to use our deeper knowledge to tap into the answers we already have within. This beautiful gemstone balances masculine and feminine energy and encourages visions and astral travel.
9. Lepidolite. Lepidolite is a magical stone made up of beautiful shades of pink and purple. This stone contains high levels of lithium, helping to soothe anxiety and depression. This crystal is also known to balance hormone cycles and stabilize the body and mind so we are ready to tap into our intuition.
10. Moonstone. Moonstone is bright and light and radiating with female wisdom. It reminds us that walking through light and shadow will lead us to our truth. If you are ready for a new beginning filled with truth, purpose, and harmony; bring Moonstone into your life.
11. Purple Fluorite. With its swirls of violet, Purple Fluorite helps us to clear creative blocks and give us the confidence we need to listen to our inner voice and live the life we always dreamed of. This is the stone of mental excellence; use Purple Fluorite if you want help leading a life of meticulous care and purpose.
How to use chakra stones to heal the third eye chakra
When our third eye chakra is blocked, we may struggle to connect to our intuition and inner vision.
Choose a third eye chakra stone (or a few) that speak to you. Here are some ways you can incorporate third eye crystals into your healing routine:
· Place a stone on your third eye while meditating lying down.
· Wear crystal jewelry with stones connected to the third eye.
· Hold a stone in your hand while making affirmations about clarity and wisdom.
· Sleep with a third eye stone under your pillow to encourage visions.
· Keep a third eye crystal nearby when doing a tarot or psychic reading.
What’s an aura and aura imaging system?
As part of metaphysical thought, some spiritual practitioners believe that all living things have an energy field that reflects their spiritual state of being. This energy field, or aura, may present itself in a variety of colors and appear like a glowing cloud around the person, animal, or plant. Some psychics and healers may be able to see auras on their own but others benefit from Inneractive’s aura video camera technology, which aims to visually represent this metaphysical information. Learn more about our aura imaging systems.