Understanding the Turquoise Aura:
The teaming, tepid tropical sea. Jewels from the living Earth. The healing colors of nature and life, of Green and Blue, combined together to form a happier medium. Turquoise is a color that surrounds us unexpectedly. It is a color immediately recognizable for its beauty and luster. This beauty matches the inner beauty of an aura, and reflects outward in a loving and compassionate way.
Auras are the unseeable fields that surround living things, expressed through electromagnetism. Though they can’t be seen by most, some rare few are able to discern the qualities of aura, and through their insight these auras are assigned color which ties them to commonly held characteristics. Each color, or blend of colors, represents the person the aura is attached to and who they are deep down.
Turquoise Aura Meaning:
For those who have become aware of their own aura, ones with a turquoise coloring may see the world in bright tints of aqua-green or teal. The Turquoise aura is a combination of the Blue and Green, but instead of adding all their attributes together, it brings forth the best of their shared aspects.
Turquoise auras can be described as “old souls” for their high self-awareness and sense of wisdom. They are kind and open minded, while maintaining a sense of sincerity and honesty. This makes them ideal healers, whether as emotional guides or as doctors and nurses who use their kindness and empathy to comfort others. This pairs with the inspiration this aura brings, which is to find calmness through the chaos, an essential role that any healer must master.
Turquoise Aura Personality:
Turquoise auras are known for having a very sensitive personality. They can know and feel the pain of others, which leads them to wanting to help and heal aching hearts. They are highly empathetic, attributed to their ease of communication and deeply emotional connection. Turquoise people have a sense for when someone is in trouble and will always reach out to help.
What stands out immediately is their compassion, how much they care for others regardless of the distance between them. They are able to see beyond regular physical barriers and interpret the souls of those they want to help. This makes them excel in health fields. Saying you feel “just fine” to a turquoise will only convince them to step in and help even more.
And this would be an issue, if not for the high awareness that turquoise also have. They understand more subtle social cues and leads than most others. It is their confidence that allows them to close social gaps easily and open their hearts to others bravely. They are problem solvers who will stop at nothing to bring positivity to others. It is their inspiration. Their very aura exists as the intersection between the colors most responsible for affectionate love and determined honesty.
Turquoise Aura Relationships:
Turquoise people act out of their affection towards the ones they love. It’s not enough to simply say it, they will show their love through actions more often and are excellent at interpreting the signs of love from others. It’s hard to hide one’s real emotions from a turquoise, and eventually, it becomes impossible.
Turquoise are very generous with their partners in terms of what they are willing to give compared to what they expect to receive. A turquoise lover will spent their time and give all their affection through constant acts, but will also be satisfied by small returns that have a lot of meaning behind them. The most important quality they look for is the amount of love present with a partner, whether it’s expressed directly or not.
They value truth as much as compassion, so lying is a no go. Turquoise will always be straightforward with their hearts and not play around. A bit of cat and mouse can be fun, but never stick to a lie with a turquoise person. They will know, and it will hurt them more to be distrusted than it will to learn whatever truth is being hidden. Turquoise have high self-awareness and esteem, they are not ones to be put down or neglected. This can sometimes work against them, as their empathetic drive can make them the more dominant force in the relationship.
Turquoise Aura Chakras:
Turquoise is the intersection between the primary Blue and secondary Green, thus creating a third-level of aura that combines them both. The Blue aura is connected to the throat chakra, which is highlighted by the Turquoise expression. While the Green aura is connected to the heart chakra, associated with love and bonds. Turquoise auras therefore have a deep affinity for expressing love for others and deepening relationships.
Balancing two chakras at once to best enhance one’s turquoise aura may seem daunting. Combine the best aspects between the two uniting chakras and focus on spreading positivity in the world:
● Meditate with teal stones or turquoise gems
● Visit natural lakes or oceans with green water
● Eat green food and drink water
● Volunteer time at a clinic
● Repeat the affirmation “I will make others feel more positive” and “I will help with love”
It may take some time to connect yourself to two chakras, but face all incoming trials with love and positivity. Know that your love can spread to others and aid them, giving them healing strength to make it through their own hard times.