Going through a spiritual awakening is often a mysterious and wonderful event that can change the course of a person’s life for the better. For many, it is also confusing and disorienting as our core beliefs about the world we live in are shaken. Once we have processed through these big feelings, the payoff in inner peace and happiness can be enormous.
Most people don’t go out looking for a spiritual awakening but it can come on after a period of questioning or a life-changing event. In some cases, it is completely unexpected. People may wonder how or why spiritual awakening happens, but there is no question about the positive changes it can bring to a person’s life.
Why Does Spiritual Awakening Happen?
Human beings are made up of energy that flows through a molecular structure. It might shock you to learn that, according to science, the universe and everything in it are made up of 99.9999999% empty space! This empty space is energy and the movement of energy manifests itself as matter through endless forms. For thousands of years, mystics of a wide range of spiritual traditions taught that matter is energy. Thanks to Einstein, science has been able to confirm the phenomenon.
When it comes to thinking about the spiritual realm, energy is spirit and spirit is energy. We are not physical beings who have spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings, made of energy (spirit) who have experiences that help us to evolve. All spiritual practices such as meditation, star gazing, engaging in spiritual works of mercy, and even walking in nature are part of our journey on this earth that can lead to a spiritual awakening.
Spiritual awakenings happen to different people for a variety of reasons but there are some common themes.
Here are some reasons that people have spiritual awakenings:
1. A sudden change in status. The sudden loss of a high-powered job or wealth can prompt a massive change in our state of mind. In the best-case scenario, the person has a spiritual awakening and moves from a life of superficial luxuries to a life full of wisdom and the abundance of nature.
2. The loss of a loved one. When we suffer the loss of a loved one, it can be a truly heartbreaking experience. As we begin to heal and process through our emotions, it can be a time of personal growth.
3. An accident or trauma. A very big, negative life experience can shake people out of their routines. They may begin questioning their life choices and values as they process through their grief.
4. Meeting an inspirational person. Sometimes we cross paths with someone who gives us a totally different perspective on life and leads us to a place of higher learning.
5. A dream. There are people who dream of a deity or Goddess or even a loved one who has passed away who is calling to them with a message. They wake up with a burning desire to make changes in their life.
6. Literature. Sometimes people stumble upon or seek out literature about spirituality that leads them to a place of spiritual growth.
7. Visiting a spiritual place. There are many spiritual places around the world, such as Mecca or the Western Wall, and visiting them can be spiritually enlightening. For others, their spiritual place is in nature; swimming in the ocean, or hiking through the forest.
8. A paranormal incident. Some people experience paranormal incidents such as a visit with a message from a beloved grandparent that sparks them to spiritual growth.
History of Spiritual Awakenings
People have been aspiring to higher states of consciousness since the beginning of time but the concept of the spiritual awakening was popularized in Western culture by well-known psychiatrist Carl Jung around the turn of the twentieth century. He described the process as coming back to the original “Self.” He believed that once “ego-differentiation” had been successfully achieved, connecting the individual to the external world, that it was time for a new task in the second half of life: a return to and conscious rediscovery of the Self.
Christian monks, Hindu sages, and Buddhist ascetics all seek higher consciousness through a range of spiritual practices such as mediation, yoga, chanting, fasting, or pilgrimages. Many believe that self-restraint and discipline are important moral qualities that will lead them on the spiritual journey they seek.
There have always been those who see themselves as secular, that do not subscribe to any religion or specific Eastern practices and there is a place for them in the history of spiritual awakenings. The concept of reaching a higher consciousness, which doesn’t necessarily involve spirituality, may still appeal to those who see themselves as secular. The idea is that most of us operate in a state of lower consciousness as we spend our time looking out for ourselves. Regular, day-to-day life rewards un-introspective, self-justifying behavior such as working for material possessions. Some people reach a place where they are able to quiet the mind and ask questions about who they are and who they truly want to be on the path to higher consciousness.
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