A spiritual awakening is a process that involves shedding unhelpful ways of thinking and elevating our consciousness to transcend ego. An awakening may happen spontaneously or after a traumatic event or period of deep reflection.
In the best-case scenario, a spiritual awakening puts us on a path to inner peace and happiness as we let go of a life based on ego and material things. The experience itself can be both wonderful and wild; joyful and a little unsettling. Apart from the feelings that an awakening may evoke, there are sometimes physical symptoms or sensations. Some are good, some not so good. If you are wondering about physical symptoms of a spiritual awakening, read on to learn more.
17 Physical Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening
If you recently had a spiritual experience after working on healing from a past trauma or having some serious doubts about your life, you may be noticing one or more confusing physical symptoms and wonder about their cause. We are here to put your mind at ease. Understanding what and why you are experiencing certain physical symptoms is a step on the spiritual journey that lies ahead.
Here are some possible physical symptoms of spiritual awakening:
1. A strong desire to purge
One of the most common physical symptoms of spiritual awakening is the desire to purge things that are not working in our lives. This can look like quitting a job, leaving toxic relationships behind, doing a physical cleanse, or moving to a new place.
2. Shivering and trembling
When our chakras are activated all at once, they can give off an abundance of energy that causes our body to shiver and tremble.
3. Vertigo
When we reach a higher frequency during a spiritual awakening, our inner ears can become sensitive; creating a feeling of being off-balance or vertigo.
4. Buzzing in the ears
As we start to tune into higher vibrational frequencies, it can cause us to hear a buzzing in the ears.
5. Increased sensitivity
A common physical symptom caused by a spiritual awakening is heightened senses. Suddenly you may see, smell, feel, and hear the world around you a lot more clearly. It can be experienced as increased sensitivity.
6. Symptoms of virus or infection
Known as “spiritual awakening illness”, some people experience symptoms of a virus or infection after a spiritual awakening. These symptoms may be as a result of your body trying to adjust to the new energy flowing inside you and the removal of negative energies.
7. Sensations in your chakras
As our chakras open, it is common to feel physical sensation coming from those areas of our bodies where the chakras are located:
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. As it is activated during an awakening it can cause a throbbing sensation on the head.
The third eye chakra is located between our eyebrows. As it is activated, we may experience a tingling feeling in that space.
8. Heat in extremities
It is common to feel warmth or heat on our hands and feet after an awakening. Some spiritual healers believe that this sensation is caused by the accumulation of energy (qi) as it pushes through energetic blockages.
9. A feeling of euphoria
Not all physical symptoms experienced after a spiritual awakening are bad. Some people feel euphoric as the heaviness of unproductive energies leaves their body.
10. Bloating or water retention in the lower half of the body
As your body recalibrates to and becomes more grounded, a feeling of heaviness in the lower body can translate into bloating or water retention. This water weight will eventually go away.
11. Headaches
When we are spiritually enlightened, we are more in tune with energy surges such as full moons. Unfortunately, this connection with the energies in our surroundings can lead to headaches.
12. Skin irritation or rashes
Purging bad energy and toxins is a part of spiritual awakening. For some, this translates into skin irritation or rashes as the body releases toxins through the skin.
13. Involuntary rapid eye movements
Some people experience intense, involuntary rapid eye movements as the body works to release negative energies.
14. Insomnia
After a spiritual awakening, the intensity of the energy flowing through us may make us more wakeful. Another reason for insomnia after an awakening is the rewiring that happens to our brains as we learn a new perspective about the world we live in.
15. Aches and pains
When our physical body tries to resist the energy transformations that come with a spiritual awakening, it can translate into aches and pains throughout the body.
16. Food intolerances or cravings
As we get more in tune with our body, mind, and spirit our physical body may suddenly start rejecting foods we used to love (that may not be good for us) and begin craving foods that we didn’t used to like.
17. Fatigue
It is common to feel fatigued or even exhausted after experiencing all these other physical symptoms. This fatigue can actually be a sign that the symptoms are coming to an end. Rest assured that you will not feel tired long-term.
How Do I Deal with Spiritual Awakening Symptoms?
It’s important to accept that physical symptoms are almost always a part of the spiritual awakening process. Meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and deep breathing exercises may be helpful tools to reduce the discomfort brought by these symptoms. It is also useful to understand that physical symptoms may be a necessary part of purging the parts of yourself that are not serving you. Over time, the symptoms should lessen or become more manageable.
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