Aura Camera Aura Cameras to Enhance Your Business Thu, 16 Jun 2022 00:59:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aura Camera 32 32 Chakra Meditation for Beginners | Get Started Today! Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Ideally, we want to have open, balanced chakras. When our chakras are functioning as they should, our flow of energy is aligned and it’s easier to manage negative thoughts and feelings. Some believe that physical ailments are also less likely to manifest.

When one of our seven chakras* is blocking the natural flow of energy through our body, more energy ends up being directed to other, functional chakras in the body. This can create hyperactive chakras while others shut down. Both hyperactive and blocked chakras can cause problems for our mental and physical well-being. The best way to clear blocked chakras and bring them into harmony is to perform chakra meditation. In this article we will go over the basics of chakra meditation for beginners.

*The seven chakras are:

1.       Root chakra – keeps us grounded. Color is red.

2.       Sacral chakra – governs how we experience sexuality, creative expression. Color is orange.

3.       Solar plexus chakra – helps us with our confidence and self-esteem. Color is yellow.

4.       Heart chakra – serves as our center of love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness for ourselves and others. Color is green.

5.       Throat chakra – governs communication and self-expression. Color is blue.

6.       Third eye chakra – connects us to our insight and intuition. Color is purple.

7.       Crown chakra – controls our connection to our sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge. Color is violet/white.

How Do I Know If One of My Chakras Is Blocked or Imbalanced?

The best way to know if one or more of your chakras is blocked or imbalanced is to get familiar with what each of the seven chakras manages (see list above) and look for signs that you are out of balance in those areas. For example, if you have lost confidence in your ability to pursue your dreams, you may be dealing with a blocked solar plexus chakra. On the other hand, if you are suddenly so over confident that you are making impulsive, irrational decisions, you may have a hyperactive solar plexus chakra. When you get good at chakra meditation, you can focus on any chakras that seem out of whack.

What Is Chakra Meditation?

Chakra meditation is a specific type of meditation that aims to either clear energy blockages or stop chakras from spinning too fast. When you know how to do proper chakra meditation, you can cleanse and balance your chakras for the purpose of getting back to a healthy mental and emotional state.

Chakra Meditation for Beginners | Get Started Today!

So, how do you meditate to open your chakras? The first thing to understand is that your seven chakras are connected to each other. If one of your chakras is out of balance, you can work on it but with the understanding that there is only so much you can accomplish by focusing on a single chakra. Chakra meditation is best done by meditating all seven chakras to bring the entire system into balance but with time and practice you will learn the art of healing individual imbalances by directing your meditation focus to that particular chakra. In order to pull off a successful meditation session, you will want to spend some time getting familiar with the chakra order, where the seven chakras are placed on the body, each chakra’s color, and what each chakra represents and governs. Once this work is done, you are ready to meditate!

To get started, you will need to find a peaceful place to meditate. This should be somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed for at least half an hour. Make sure to turn your Wi-Fi signals off as well.

Next, get into a comfortable, seated position on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. If this is too hard on your body, you can sit on a cushion. Sit up straight but not so straight that your spine feels stressed. Place your hands limply on your knees.

Breathe deeply and evenly while you visualize each chakra, one at a time. You will want to do this in order, starting with the root chakra and ending with the crown. Picture the energy flowing into and through that chakra in the color associated with that chakra (see list above).

Spend several minutes with each chakra, focusing on it until you can see vibrant energy passing through it. When you finally get to the crown chakra, you should be able to visualize the flow of positive energy moving through your body.

Some beginners prefer to use guided meditation tools for chakra meditation. This is a great option for those feeling unsure if they have memorized the color association and order of each chakra. Look for videos or audio tracks with mantras that can help you through the medication process.

After a few meditation sessions, you will be feeling more confident in your abilities to get the energy flowing through your seven chakras. You should also become more in tune with specific chakras that may be feeling out of balance. Once you get to this place, you can start focusing your meditation on specific chakras that need support.  You may find that your focus naturally drifts to one particular chakra when you sit down to meditate; go with this feeling. As you move into more advanced methods, you may benefit from learning some specific positions, mantras, and breathing exercises that can help you concentrate on a specific chakra.

We hope you find this basic introduction to chakra meditation helpful. We encourage you to try your first meditation session; you should have everything you need to get started.

What Is An Aura?

According to metaphysical thought, an aura is a kind of human energy field surrounding our bodies. It is believed that there are seven layers to our aura that correspond to each of the seven chakras.

The color makeup of an aura is a metaphysical and energetic reflection of our spiritual health. It is believed that auras consist of a distribution of different colors and light, appearing like a glowing energy field of color to those who can see them.

Many people are fascinated by auras because of their ability to tell us about our current emotional and spiritual state but have no ability to see them themselves.Are you curious about energy reading? The AuraCloud 3D Basic is a great starting point if you want to buy an aura camera for your wellness business.

How to Start Your Own Energy Healing Business | An Introduction Wed, 14 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Starting an energy healing business requires knowledge, skills, effort, dedication, and passion. If you’ve been cultivating your energy healing skills and you’re bursting to help others in your community and even around the world, an energy healing business may be the perfect solution for you.

There are many benefits to owning your own energy healing business:

·         Make your own schedule and control your workload

·         Ability to work from home

·         Rewarding work – fulfill your passion

·         Reasonable startup costs

·         High profit margins / high hourly rates

·         Several business models to choose from

·         Pick and choose your clients

·         Unlimited income potential as you build your client list

·         Be your own boss

·         Control your own destiny

If you’re ready to dive in and get started, read on to learn how to start your own energy healing business.

How to Start Your Own Energy Healing Business | An Introduction

Whether you want to become a Reiki practitioner, Pranic Healer, open a crystal shop, or yoga studio; there are several steps you will need to follow to start your own energy healing business.

1. Choose your business structure

Choose your business structure. The most common business structure types are sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation; each come with their own benefits and drawbacks.

2. Estimate your startup costs as part of your business model and business plan

Every business has startup costs. According to, startup costs for energy healing businesses are relatively low and range from $62 to $23,259 with an average investment of $12,272.

You will need to create a business model with a written business plan that outlines your startup costs. Next, figure out how you will come up with the funds to cover these costs.

3. Identify your target market(s)

Who will you be selling your products or services to? There may be one or more target markets. This is an important part of setting up your marketing strategy. You can build buyer personas to help you identify your prime clients’ characteristics.

4. Choose a business name

Now that you have identified your basic business model and target audience, you are ready to choose a business name. Your name should convey what your business is about and/or the healing benefits you wish to bring to your clients – but it should also be easily understood and catchy. Come up with several options and make sure the domain name is available for your future website. You will also want to check that the name isn’t too similar to any of your direct competitors. Pro tip: choose a business name that has relevant keywords. That way when potential clients search for the services you offer, your website is more likely to show up in search engine results.

5. Identify your operating costs

The business model you choose will affect your operating costs. For example, if you are performing psychic sessions online, you will have low overhead costs compared to a Reiki practitioner who needs to lease a studio to bring in clients.

Pretty well all energy healing businesses will need a website, insurance, and have some legal fees. Massage businesses will have additional operational costs such as massage tables, pillows, sheets, etc.

6. Define your service fees

Take into account your operational costs and look at what your local competitors are charging for similar products or services and set your prices accordingly. You may wish to come up with package fees to encourage clients to come back for multiple sessions.

7. Register as a legal entity

You will need to register your new business based on your business structure type. Costs may vary depending on the type of structure you chose.

8. Register for taxes

You will need to register for state and federal taxes. To register for taxes, you will need to apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This number is used to get business licenses and open business accounts, etc.

9. Open a business account

It’s important to keep your business income separate from your personal income by opening a business account and business credit card at your local bank or credit union.

10. Get all necessary licenses

Check with your local city or county’s clerk office to determine what permits and licenses you will need to legally run your business.

11. Create new patient and informed consent forms

You will need new patient and informed consent forms for your clients to sign. Go online or speak to a mentor for examples.

12. Join an association of energy healing professionals

Official organizations, whether local or online, can provide essential tips and knowledge for helping you run your business. You may even be able to purchase a discounted insurance policy through an association.

13. Register for insurance

You will need business insurance policies to protect your business from financial loss. General-purpose insurance may work but if you are hiring employees, you will need Workers’ Compensation Insurance as well.

14. Build your website

Find a reputable web designer with SEO experience to build your website. It should be both beautiful and functional. Many small businesses use WordPress themes because of their simplicity, potential functionality, and open-source software.

15. Market your business

Create a marketing plan that starts with branding. Apart from your website, you will need marketing materials such as signs, business cards, and flyers. Decide which advertising channels will be best to reach your target market(s) and then come up with a marketing budget.

AuraCloud 3D Basic aura camera

The IES AuraCloud isn’t like a regular camera: it’s a device full of tools that are used for aura energy readings through visual representation. This unique spiritual imaging system was created especially for holistic practitioners of alternative health and wellness centers who want to help clients with the health of their mind, body, and spirit.Pricing for the AuraCloud 3D Basic is available upon request. Please contact our team today to receive a personalized quote.

How to Place Chakra Stones on Body | A Step-by-Step Guide Mon, 12 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Are you feeling “off-balance” or “dysregulated”? Do you feel like something is holding you back from true happiness and reaching your full potential? If so, you may benefit from bringing chakra stones or crystals into your life for the purpose of chakra healing. Chakra stones can be used to enhance meditation, perform rituals, be worn as jewelry, or used as decoration around the home. Some people even carry a little soft bag of chakra gemstones with them everywhere. Today we’re going to talk about how to place chakra stones on the body for the purpose of chakra meditation.

How to Place Chakra Stones on Body | A Step-by-Step Guide

Placing chakra stones on the body can be a great way to enhance your meditation experience if you know how to use them. Each of our seven main chakras can be found in a specific spot on the body and it can be beneficial to place a chakra stone that supports each particular chakra on that body part. Once you have purchased a chakra crystal for each chakra and cleansed them, you are ready to place them on their associated body part. Tip: you can purchase chakra stone kits that come with the stones you will need to get started on both Amazon and Etsy. If you prefer to hand select your stones, a local crystal shop would be your best choice.

To get started you will first want to find a good place to meditate. The space should be private, quiet, comfortable, and free of wi-fi signals (androids can be placed on airplane mode, iPhones must be turned off). If the weather is nice, try an outdoor space.

Next, lay down on a comfortable, flat surface. A carpeted floor, soft grass, or a bed are all good options.

When you are laying down and ready to place chakra stones on your body you will want to start with the first chakra (root) and work your way up to the seventh chakra (crown). You may wish to ask a trusted friend or family member to place the stones for you. Perhaps you could take turns and place your friend’s gemstones on them when it is their turn to meditate.

Place each chakra stone on the correct areas of the body and in the correct order from one to seven. Chakra crystals should be placed one at a time with a focus on receiving each stone’s energy before moving on to the next one. One of the best ways to do this is to visualize the stone’s energy entering and cleansing each chakra.

Use the following order to place your chakra stones:

1.       Root chakra: place a red or black stone on your groin or feet

The root chakra affects how grounded we feel and is located on the groin. Choose a red or black root chakra stone that speaks to you such as a black tourmaline or ruby and place it on your groin. If you prefer, you can place the stone on your feet.

2.       Sacral chakra: place an orange stone on your pelvis

The sacral chakra governs our emotional health and creativity and is located on the pelvis. Choose an orange sacral chakra stone that you’re drawn to such as amber or carnelian and place it on your pelvis.

3.       Solar plexus chakra: place a yellow stone on your naval

The solar plexus chakra represents our personal power and is located on the navel. Choose a yellow solar plexus chakra stone that calls to you such as citrine or yellow jasper and place it on your navel.

4.       Heart chakra: place a pink or green stone over your heart

The heart chakra affects your love and hate emotions and is located in your heart. Choose a pink or green heart chakra stone that speaks to your heart such as rose quartz or green aventurine and place it on your heart.

5.       Throat chakra: place a blue stone on your throat

The throat chakra is all about truthful expression and the ability to vocalize our truth; it is located on the throat. Choose a blue throat chakra stone that resonates with you such as lapis lazuli or aquamarine and place it on your throat.

6.       Third eye chakra: place a purple stone on your forehead

The third eye chakra connects us to our spirituality and psychic abilities. Choose a purple third eye chakra stone that you feel drawn to such as amethyst or labradorite and place it on your forehead between your eyebrows.

7.       Crown chakra: place a white, clear, or violet stone on the top of your head

The crown chakra represents knowledge and higher consciousness. Choose a white, clear, or violet crown chakra stone such as clear quartz, lepidolite, or selenite and place it on the top of your head.

After Your Chakra Stones Are Placed

After all the stones are placed, lay quietly for twenty minutes without moving or speaking. Keep your eyes closed and your mind focused on taking deep, measured breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. If any intrusive thoughts pop into your head, acknowledge them and let them go quickly.

How To Wrap Up Your Chakra Stone Meditation

When you are finished meditating, remove the stones in reverse order from seven back down to one (crown chakra back down to your root chakra).

What Is A Chakra Camera?

A chakra camera is a less commonly used term for an aura camera device. Aura cameras are used to produce aura and chakra computer graphics onto a screen or into a photograph that can be printed out, depending on whether the aura camera is a digital or analog camera type. Aura Systems aura cameras use a sensor to collect aura data that then appears on a screen. Reports can also be printed out for clients. Shop our aura cameras now.

How to Charge Chakra Stones | Stay Energized Wed, 07 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +0000 If you use crystals for chakra healing on a regular basis, it’s important to charge them periodically. There are many different methods that can be used to charge chakra gemstones, depending on preference and the type of stone you wish to charge.

The reason we need to charge chakra stones is that they hold onto energy that they are exposed to, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Once a gemstone has absorbed negative energy, it loses its ability to help you clear your energy blockages and bring in positive energy. Thankfully, your chakra stones can be cleared or charged to give them a fresh start so they can keep supporting your wellness. Read on to learn how to charge chakra stones so they stay energized.

How to Charge Chakra Stones | Stay Energized

Grounding energy from the moon, earth, or water is often used to charge chakra stones. With so many options for charging chakra stones, how do you know which one to use? There is no charging method that’s superior to another; once you’ve checked to see that a particular process is safe for your stone, it’s best to follow your gut for choosing an option.

1. Place your stones under the light of the full moon

The full moon is believed to be a powerful method for both clearing and charging your chakra stones. Check your calendar for the next full moon and place your stones directly on the ground or even on a windowsill, in a spot that will get full moonlight. Make sure to bring them back in before 11 a.m.

This technique is good for most tumbled stones but should not be used for vibrant stones like amethyst or soft stones such as celestite or selenite.

2. Soak your stones in moon water

Make your own moon water in a bowl and then submerge your stones for an hour. Alternatively, the moon water can be poured over your crystals. Click here to learn how to make moon water.

This method is good for hard gemstones like amethyst, quartz, jasper, citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye, and agate. Soft or brittle crystals such as selenite or kyanite should not be submerged in water.

3. Bury your crystals in the ground

There is nothing more grounding than the earth itself. Burying your crystals in the ground is a popular way to charge them with the powerful properties of the earth. Simply dig a small hole in the ground and place the loose soil into an earthenware pot or jar. Bury your crystal in the soil inside the pot or jar and then lower the pot into the hole. Cover it with the remaining soil. Mark your spot with some kind of marker and leave the gemstone buried for at least one week. This method is especially beneficial for stones associated with the earth, such as malachite.

While this method is safe for most stones, it’s important to check for air quality and weather reports before burying your crystals. Avoid times of poor air quality and rain – you don’t want your stones to get wet while they are buried.

4. Burn incense or other herbs over your chakra stones

Preferably in an outdoor setting, light the tip of your sage, sweetgrass, Palo Santo, sandalwood, lavender, jasmine, or cedar with a flame and then transfer it to your nondominant hand. Hold the stone in your dominant hand and move it slowly through the smoke for two to three minutes until you feel the energy of the stones shifting.

This process is appropriate for all chakra stones.

5. Cover your stones in sea salt

Salt absorbs negative energy and can help charge your hard crystals. Pour some sea salt into a bowl and cover your stone in the salt. Let it sit overnight. Do not use this method for soft stone like opal or calcite, as the salt could scratch them.

6. Bathe your crystals in sound

Sound is believed to shift frequencies. Singing bowls and tuning forks can be used to emit a long, loud sound that can envelop the stone, ideally for five to 10 minutes. This cleansing method is good to use for any stone.

7. Use visualization

For more advanced practitioners, visualization can be a powerful way to charge all gemstones. Center your own energy and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Pick up your stone and visualize your hands being enveloped in glowing, healing light. Visualize the light surrounding your stone and getting brighter as it washes away impurities. When you feel a shift in the stone’s energy, your work is done. This process should take approximately one minute per stone.

8. Connect your crystals to your spirit guides

Spirit guides can have a powerful, grounding influence on spirituality. If you work with any spiritual guides, you can charge your crystals by connecting them with your guides. Through prayer or meditation, ask your spirit guides to connect with your chakra stones and set your intention.

9. Charge your chakra stones with breathwork

Breathwork is a safe and effective way to charge your chakra stones. Hold the stone you want to charge in your dominant hand and focus your intention on clearing the stone of negative energies. Hold the stone up to your face and breathe out forcefully through your nose while waving your other hand over the crystal. Do this for about 30 seconds.

How Often Should You Charge Your Chakra Stones?

Apart from cleansing and charging your crystals when you first get them, how often you should charge your gemstones really depends on how often you use them and what type of negative energy they have been exposed to. It won’t hurt your stones to give them a charge after you have used them several times.

AVS7 Basic: Aura Video Station Basic

You can take your holistic health business or wellness center to the next level with Inneractive’s unique aura imaging systems, like the Aura Video Station 7. This Aura video camera includes a full range of programs that create a visual display of energy field information that can normally only be seen by psychics.

The Aura Video Station 7 imaging system comes with five applications that deliver simultaneous in-depth aura readings. These innovative applications show chakra strength, a representation of a client’s aura colors, and other interesting information about your client’s energy.

How to Cleanse Chakra Stones in 10 Simple Ways | Maintain Your Chakra Mon, 05 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Chakra stones and crystals are used around the world because of the belief that they can bring balance to the mind, body, and soul and clear energy blockages. Because chakra stones function with their vibrational energy, they sometimes require cleansing.

Why Do We Need To Cleanse Chakra Stones?

Unless you are extracting your own chakra stones from the earth, it is safe to assume that your crystal was in the hands of several other people before it was in your possession. Each person’s energy is absorbed by the stone as they handle it on its way to you. One of the reasons that we cleanse chakra stones is to clear the stone from others’ energies that may be misaligned with our own.

The other main reason that we should cleanse chakra gemstones is to restore them to their natural state by clearing the energy they have absorbed as you used them. Cleansing stones can also be important for resetting your purpose. In this article we’ll provide some options for how to cleanse chakra stones and maintain your chakra.

How to Cleanse Chakra Stones in 10 Simple Ways | Maintain Your Chakra

There are many simple options for cleansing your chakra stones; easy enough for beginners but still very effective. Here are 10 ways to cleanse your chakra stones:

1. Running water

Hard stones can be cleansed in running water. A stream is ideal but even running water from a faucet can work to release any negative energy that has become trapped in the stone. Make sure that your stone is submerged completely for one minute and then pat dry.

Here are some hard crystals that are safe to go in water: amethyst, quartz, jasper, citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye, and agate.

This strategy is not appropriate for soft or brittle stones such as selenite or kyanite.

2. Saltwater

Salt is known for its ability to absorb and many believe that it can absorb negative energy, making saltwater an ideal option for cleansing hard chakra stones. If you live near the ocean, grab a bowl or bucket and scoop up some ocean water. If that’s not an option, mix a tablespoon of sea, rock, or even table salt into a bowl of water. Submerge your stones for a few hours up to 48 hours.

3. Brown rice

Burying your stones in a bowl of brown rice is a safe and effective way to draw out negative energy from any gemstone. It is said that protective stones such as black tourmaline, obsidian, amethyst, and smoky quartz especially benefit from this method. Fill a bowl with dry brown rice, bury each stone individually beneath the grains of rice for 24 hours and then discard the rice after you’re done. Repeat the process for every stone you wish to cleanse.

4. Moonlight

Moonlight is believed to be very cleansing for chakra crystals. Place your stones out before nightfall, directly on the earth if you can. Choose a spot that gets a lot of moonlight and then bring them in again before 11 a.m. the next day. This way the stones are protected from harsh midday sunlight that can weather them. Give your crystals a quick rinse and pat them dry to complete the process.

This technique is good for most tumbled stones but should not be used for vibrant stones like amethyst or soft stones such as celestite or selenite.

5. Sage

Sage is famous for smudging rituals to cleanse a space from evil spirits but it is also useful for cleansing negative energy from chakra stones. This process takes a bit more organization because you’ll need a fire-safe bowl, a lighter or matches, and loose or bundled sage.

Preferably in an outdoor setting, light the tip of your sage with a flame and then transfer it to your nondominant hand. Hold the stone in your dominant hand and move it slowly through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds.

This process is appropriate for all chakra stones.

6. Sound

Sound healing is believed to improve the vibration of a stone by aligning it with a single pitch or tone. Practitioners use singing bowls, chanting, or tuning forks to emit a long, loud sound that can envelop the stone for five to 10 minutes. This cleansing method is good to use for any stone.

7. Visualization

Visualization is a safe way to clear any stone. Start by getting grounded and centering your energy; your feet should be firmly planted on the earth, if possible. Pick up your stone and visualize your hands being enveloped in white, glowing light. Visualize the light surrounding your stone and getting brighter as it washes away impurities. Keep going until you feel a shift in the stone’s energy; approximately one minute.

8. Larger stones

There are certain large stones that can be used to clear energy from smaller stones such as selenite slabs and amethyst geodes. Simply place any small stone on top of the bigger stone for 24 hours.

9. Smaller stones

Smaller stones such as clear quartz, carnelian, and hematite are known for their clearing effects. Place the small stones in a bowl with the stone you want to clear on top, keeping it in place for 24 hours. This option is good for any stone.

10. Breathwork

Breath can be used to help clear your stones and attune them to their highest vibration. Hold the stone you wish to clear in your dominant hand and focus your intention on clearing the stone of negative energies. Next, take a deep breath in through your nostrils, bring the stone closer to your face and exhale short, strong breaths through your nose and onto the stone for about 30 seconds. This method can be used for all small stones.

Aura Camera for Retail Stores

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have an aura imaging system at your retail store? Our aura camera units are used by retailers across the country to help bring in new business to their holistic, wellness, or natural health stores. Your customers can have their auras read and then purchase books, crystals, aromatherapy, and more based on their aura readings and current state of being. Shop our aura cameras now.
