During a spiritual awakening a person’s ego transcends its limited sense of self in order to reach a greater truth or reality. While the awakening itself can feel like a bolt of lightning, the way the process unfolds is actually a very personal experience. This includes how long the awakening lasts. So, how long does a spiritual awakening last? It’s different for everyone. For some, a spiritual awakening lasts a lifetime; fundamentally shifting the way the individual sees themselves and the world around them. This shift causes the person to make big, lasting changes in their life that better align with their new sense of self. For others, a spiritual awakening only lasts for a short time. Maybe it causes them to make new friends or quit a job but in the long run, they go back to their old ways of thinking. Put another way, an awakening can present itself as a quick change in perspective or it can be a more gradual process of shifting perspective. On the other hand, spiritual awakenings can happen more than once in a lifetime. Each awakening has the potential to help the individual reach a deeper level of truth within themselves.
A spiritual awakening can last anywhere between a few days and several years; each person’s experience is special and unique.
How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last | What to Expect
Going through a spiritual awakening is often a very exciting experience. It can feel like being injected with the truth, light, and energy they needed to become the person they were always meant to be. Sometimes an awakening is confusing and overwhelming; challenging us in ways we aren’t ready to accept. If you have recently gone through a spiritual awakening, you may be wondering how long it will last and what to expect after the awakening?
All awakenings are a uniquely personal experience; there is no rule about how long a spiritual awakening must last. Some awakenings are small and short-lived, while others take months or years to unfold. How long an awakening will last is often tied to an individual’s personality and prior life experiences. Here are some factors that can affect how long a spiritual awakening will last:
· The amount of time it takes the individual to experience, process, and move through each stage of their spiritual awakening varies widely.
· Even once we have walked through the stages to get to spiritual enlightenment, it can take considerable time to feel comfortable with our new perspective and to fully integrate and stick with the life changes that we want to make based on this new perspective. Some people will stay on something like a roller coaster where they go back and forth and up and down between a spiritual and material life. Others have an easier time sticking on a straightforward path where they learn to balance physical needs with their newfound spiritual side.
Stages of a Spiritual Awakening
There are several stages of a spiritual awakening, beginning with a period of darkness or feeling lost. From there, comes a perspective shift and then a period of seeking answers and questioning everything, including life’s meaning and our individual purpose here on earth. Then, answers will start to come along with breakthroughs that make you feel like you are getting somewhere, only to come crashing down again into a period of disillusionment. As you pick up the pieces, you will begin to do the deep inner work required to make real changes in your life. You will gain wisdom to help yourself and maybe even others on their journey. Then, at last, you will reach enlightenment. All the questions and soul searching you have been doing will finally start to make sense and you will see how the pieces fit together. Your life will feel as though it has a deeper meaning and purpose and you will gain a sense of inner peace and calm that you have not experienced before. You will truly be living your life with clarity about the person you were always meant to be.
These stages may last days to months or even years, but no matter how long your spiritual awakening continues, you will walk away having learned new things about yourself and your perspective on life. Your connection to others and the natural world will grow as you gain a higher sense of empathy. This newfound knowledge and understanding are all a part of the spiritual journey on the road to expanding consciousness. If you’re in a dark place, seeking spiritual enlightenment may be just what you need to heal. It’s never too late to start.
AuraCloud 3D for Professionals
What is aura photography? Aura photography is a system used to translate auras – that can normally only be seen by certain people – into the physical world. The AuraCloud 3D provides the benefits of aura photography with detailed aura readings to help you gain insight into your customer’s auras and promote and grow your wellness business. The AuraCloud 3D uses cutting edge, innovative technology that works by processing data from a sensor to display aura and chakra images that can be shared with your clients.
Our AuraCloud 3D aura camera tools are designed with aura energy readings in mind. The IES aura imaging software in this package is created specifically so that wellness practitioners can get all their aura reading needs in one place. The built-in data management processes offer easy storage of readings with accessible client profile information for aura-energetic balancing and future reference. With these benefits, you will be able to pull up readings quickly and easily and save valuable information about individual clients so you can compare their readings at different times. Learn more about how the AuraCloud 3D can benefit your wellness business.