Chakra stones, which are also known as crystals, healing stones, and gemstones, are beautiful mostly natural stones that are used to magnify or balance the energy centers of the body. For hundreds of years, sages have been using and teaching people how to use chakra stones to improve their spiritual, emotional, and physical health and well-being. There are many chakra stones associated with each chakra, based on how they match the color and vibrational energy associated with that chakra. Each set of specific stones may be used in a variety of ways to help unblock and balance that chakra, leading to better overall well-being and optimal functioning of the organs or glands associated with a given chakra. Note: there are some chakra stones that can be used to heal and clear more than one chakra because its energy is useful for multiple chakras. Beginner’s may have a lot of questions when it comes to using chakra stones, starting with why and how to activate chakra stones.
Why Do Chakra Stones Need To Be Activated?
Chakra stones must be clear of other’s energy and connected to yours in order to do their work. When we first get a chakra crystal, it has often traveled a long distance and been handled by people who have extracted and polished your stone and even more people when it was packaged for you. The energy of these people stays with the stone until it is cleared. Next, the stone needs to be activated for your use so it can do the work you want it to do. Let’s take a look at how to activate your chakra stones so you can use them to help balance your chakras.
How to Activate Chakra Stones | Activate Your Stones in 7 Steps
You’ve selected the beautiful gemstones that you would like to use to help bring your chakras into alignment, now it’s time to activate them so they can actually help you. It’s important to activate each stone individually with the specific chakra in mind, one at a time.
How do you activate chakra stones? There are several steps involved:
1. Learn your chakras
The first step in activating chakra stones is knowing the seven chakras. Each chakra has its own vibrational energy and purpose. They are:
1. The root chakra provides us with a base and helps us feel grounded and handle challenges.
2. The sacral chakra affects how we experience sexuality, creative expression, and emotions.
3. The solar plexus chakra represents the power of transformation and provides a source of personal strength and warrior energy.
4. The heart chakra is our base for learning to love and forgive ourselves and others, and feel compassion and empathy.
5. The throat chakra is all about communication, self-expression, and being able to speak our personal truth.
6. The third eye chakra is believed to be linked to perception, wisdom, and spiritual communication.
7. The crown chakra represents spiritual connection and transformation.
Learn Which Stones Are Associated with Each Chakra
There are specific stones associated with each chakra because of their properties and energies. Click here for a list.
1. Choose a stone and a chakra
The first step to activating your stones is to simply choose one stone and the chakra that you would like that stone to heal. For example, the amethyst is believed to help clear the third eye chakra.
2. Place your chakra stone
Next, take your stone and either hold it near your chakra or lay down and place it on the area of the chakra.
- The root chakra is located at the base of the spine.
- The sacral chakra is located below the navel, by the perineum.
- The solar plexus chakra is located in the pit of the stomach in front of the aorta.
- The heart chakra is located in the front of the chest.
- The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat.
- The third eye chakra is located in the center of the head, right in the middle of your eyebrows.
- The crown chakra is located at the top of the head.
3. State your intention
State your intention for what you would like your chakra stone to do. For example, “I am thankful for how this garnet will help me clear my root chakra so I can better handle challenges in my life.” Your stone will retain this intention for as long as you choose to use it.
4. Visualize
Visualize all the ways the stone will help you break up and release old, negative energy and restore energy flow throughout your body.
5. Repeat this process with each stone
Work through this process with each stone. Once you’ve activated all your chakra stones, you are ready to use them. Some people choose to keep all their stones close by after activation by storing them in their pocket or a cloth bag.
There are many different options for using your stones, including holding them while you meditate or practice yoga, wearing them against your skin as jewelry, sleeping or working with them nearby, adding them to your bath (if they are waterproof) or near your bath, and decorating your home with them. You may wish to use more than one stone at a time or stick with just one. Go with what you are drawn to that day.
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