If you’ve been learning about and collecting chakra stones or crystals or you’ve seen chakra stones at your yoga or meditation studio, you may be wondering how you can incorporate them into your meditation routine. Many people meditate with their chakra gemstones because of the belief that they release negative energy and encourage positive energy flow within and between their chakras.
Chakra stones are beautiful gemstones that have been used for healing purposes for hundreds of years in different cultures around the world from China, to ancient Egypt and Rome. Some Buddhists have traditionally used crystals in meditation as malas or prayer beads. Western culture has more recently adopted yoga, meditation, and chakra stones and crystals.
In this article we will discuss how to choose meditation stones and how to meditate with chakra stones.
How To Choose Meditation Stones
Meditation stones are chakra stones that are used along with meditation practices for their additional healing benefits. When choosing your meditation stones, it’s best to go with your gut. Trust that you are drawn to certain stones for a reason; they are a beautiful connection to the earth and are calling to you. When you find a stone that appeals to you, hold it in your hand and feel its vibrational energy.
If you’re thinking to yourself; that’s nice but I need more information, read on. For people who want more initial guidance about which stones will be the most beneficial, there are other ways to decide which stones to use.
Each stone is connected to a specific chakra and has its own vibrational energy and healing benefits. If you are looking to cleanse a specific chakra, then choose a crystal (or two or three) that is associated with healing that chakra. For example, if you want to feel more grounded then you should focus on cleansing your root chakra. Root chakra stones are deep shades of red, metallic, and earth-tones. Some good root chakra stones are garnet, black tourmaline, fire agate, and carnelian.
Another option is to identify the emotional or spiritual needs that you would like to work on and choose a stone that is known to provide those benefits. For example, if you’re looking for energy cleansing and protection while you meditate, selenite is a great option.
Once you have chosen your crystals, you will want to cleanse, activate, and spend time with them before using them in your meditation routine. One of the best ways to spend time with your crystals is to keep them near you by wearing them as jewelry against your skin, sleeping with them in your pillowcase, carrying them with you in your pocket, or keeping them in a bowl on your desk while you work.
How to Meditate with Chakra Stones in 7 Easy Steps
There aren’t any hard and fast rules about how to meditate with chakra stones but there are some useful guidelines that we have broken down into seven easy steps:
1. Choose your chakra stone
Based on the advice above, choose one or more chakra stones for your meditation session.
2. Choose a meditation spot
If you are meditating on your own, choose a quiet spot away from Wi-Fi signals. If you are able to, set up a space outside with your bare feet touching the earth.
3. Get comfortable – but not too comfortable
Either lay down, sit cross-legged, or sit down with your feet on the ground, your knees at a 90-degree angle, and your spine straight. If you choose to lay down, be careful not to get so comfortable that you fall asleep instead of meditating.
4. Place your stones
There are a few options for using your stones during meditation. You may hold them in your right hand, one in each hand, next to you, or lay down and place a stone on top of one or more corresponding chakras. Placing chakra stones on the parts of your body that are connected to your chakras are said to help you use your intuition as you meditate.
5. Set your intention
Decide what you want to get out of your meditation session. What negative energy are you hoping to clear out? What positive benefits are you hoping to gain? Next, state your intention either in your head or verbally. For example, “I will meditate with this amethyst chakra stone to help relieve the anxiety that I am feeling.”
6. Listen
Listen to the messages that the stones are giving you. What lessons are they trying to teach you today? What emotions are they trying to help you release?
Some people like to listen to gentle meditation music or a guided chakra meditation they find online. Other people prefer silence and still others choose to chant or sing to activate the crystals.
7. Process
Take your time getting out of the meditation and intentionally process the emotions that came up for you. This is a good opportunity to write your feelings and any messages you felt the crystals were trying to send to you in a meditation journal so you can go back and reflect later.
What Is an Aura?
According to metaphysical theory, an aura is a spiritual reflection of our current energies and is associated with the seven chakras of the body.
Auras are visually represented as a rainbow of colors and light – some people are lucky enough to see them while most of us need the help of an aura camera. Generally speaking, the brighter and more colorful the aura, the happier and more confident the person. A dim aura can signify sadness or unhappiness, or an energy imbalance. It’s important to know that there are no “bad” colors. Our auras should be understood as a spiritual mirror that can be seen by some psychics and holistic medicine practitioners or manifested using special technology. Inneractive’s aura video technology uses a combination of software and hardware to gather specific data, which is then converted into an aura image. Learn more.