What Is a Spiritual Awakening: Guide
What is a spiritual awakening? The concept of spiritual awakenings is not new. For centuries people in different cultures and religions have believed that it

What Is an Energy Healing Business?
Energy Healing is a type of therapy that channels ‘Universal’ or Divine energy to help us heal the whole being – mind, body, and spirit.

How to Start a Crystal Healing Business: 12 Secrets to Success
Is your passion for crystals calling you to start a crystal shop? If you’re wondering how to start a crystal healing business, you’ve come to

How to Start a Healing Business: 8 Simple Tips
Have you always had a desire to help others through your spirituality? If you’re a healer and you’re ready to share your healing gifts, know

10 Things to Think About When Choosing a Spiritual Business Name
Congratulations! You’re ready to chase your dreams and start the spiritual healing business you’re being called to. You want to heal the world, one client

10 Benefits of Working with a Spiritual Business Coach
A spiritual coach helps people explore their connection with the Universe. When it comes to career or starting or building a business, many people benefit

How to Start a Spiritual Business + Tips for Success
If you perceive yourself to be a spiritual person who is in sync with your spiritual well-being, you could consider sharing your talents and abilities

Crown Chakra Stones: 8 Crystals and Their Healing Benefits
Crown chakra stones are particularly beneficial for activating portions of the body linked with spiritual healing and advancement. They may be useful in the treatment

Third Eye Chakra Stones: 11 Crystals and Their Healing Benefits
The third eye chakra is the sixth of the seven chakras and is appropriately associated with the sixth sense. It sits in the center of

Throat Chakra Stones: 11 Crystals and Their Healing Benefits
The throat chakra is the fifth of seven chakras. It is located at the base of the throat and represents communication and learning to use